The 5th of March, ENACT is organizing its first Hackathon at University Côte d’Azur in Sophia Antipolis.

The main purposes of ENACT Hackathon are:

(i) to challenge ENACT tools with new IoT use cases provided by the hackathon attendees, and (ii) to get as many feedbacks as possible, from attendees, on the relevance, efficiency, utility, usability, etc., of the ENACT tools.

At mid-project, our DevOps enablers to develop, deploy, monitor, and adapt trustworthy smart IoT systems are available and have already been tested by our case study providers in the fields of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Smart Building, health care and assisted living systems for elderly people.

The hackathon will be the opportunity for disseminating these results via tutorials and the first direct manipulations of our enablers by external users. It will also provide us with first feedbacks from users a priori unfamiliar with the ENACT enablers.

Around 50 Master and Ph.D. students in Software Engineering from more than ten different countries such as China, Italy, Russia, Poland, Tunisia, etc. will be selected for participation. This event will also be an opportunity for the ENACT consortium to be in touch with software engineers coming from major economical actors and ICT companies from Sophia Antipolis

> More information :